Some things are simply more fun when they come in two’s! That’s why we put together this list of the top 20 duo Halloween costumes. We include links to purchase your favorite costumes as well as ideas for how to put them together yourself. These are great best friend costumes so grab your buddy and pick your favorite!

1. Batman & Robin
Easily the most iconic duo Halloween costumes of all time, Batman and Robin are famous the world over. The dark knight with his ever trustworthy sidekick are ready to cover each other’s backs and throw out some “Pow”s and “Wham”s at a moment’s notice. This is a great costume for best friends who want to fight some crime in the underbelly of Gotham, or just go to a Halloween Party.
Costumes & Accessories

2. Tom & Jerry
This 1940’s classic cartoon taught many Americans how violence between domestic animals can be fun! Although most episodes showcase the two setting some various traps to drop bowling balls or irons or other heavy items onto the other, at the end of the day these two are perfect complements. This classic duo can be pulled off with a simple brown mouse and blue cat costume.

3. Axl Rose & Slash
Two of Rock and Rolls’ greatest all time rockers. Without Axl’s screeching vocals and Slash’s earth shattering guitar solos, Guns N Roses would not sound the same. They also make for a great duo costume. For Slash, you definitely need the hair, the shades and the top hat. Axle can be portrayed with a number of outfits, but for the courageous, one of his more memorable looks includes a bandana and white bicycle shorts.

4. Jules & Vern (Pulp Fiction)
“And he will know my name is the law” and so many other one liners that come out of these two. The famous hit men portrayed by Jon Travolta and Samel L Jackson are reasonably easy to pull off with black suits and ties with white shirts. The key is to get the hair and facial hair right if you want to pull this one off successfully.

5. Wayne & Garth (Wayne’s World)
Party on Wayne. Party on Garth! These two rocker wannabe knuckleheads originally came out of a SNL skit that then became a full length feature film, and then a sequel. For Wayne, you’ll need a black T-shirt and, black wig and a black Wayne’s World hat. For Garth, any 90’s band T-shirt will work along with a flannel, a blond wig and his distinct glasses. Oh yeah, and for both, make sure to throw on some baggy jeans with a few holes in the knees. Shaaawiiing!

6. Shaggy & Scooby (Scooby Doo)
Is there a more memorable set of characters in the cartoon universe than Shaggy and Scooby. These two are always looking out for one another and ready to be the bait for a trap to catch ghouls and goblins. Anything for a scooby snack!
Costumes & Accessories

7. Spartan Cheerleaders (Will Ferrell & Cheri O’Teri)
One of SNL’s most classic skits is the Spartan Cheerleaders with their over accentuated moves and clever choruses. This is an easy enough outfit to mimic if you are able to dig up matching cheerleader uniforms at the 2nd hand store, or if you’re handy with a sewing machine.
Costumes & Accessories

8. Han Solo & Chewbacca
If you are a space outlaw, it is an unwritten rule that you need an eight foot tall, half big foot, half dog companion that bleats like an angry goat. This incredible duo were a big part in making the Star Wars franchise the success it is. Han is an easy enough outfit to throw together if you have a black vest and some khakis, but Chewbacca is a whole matter altogether.
Costumes & Accessories

9. Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble
The two bestest bosom buddies, the top stone bowlers and fastest car runners of their time. Fred Flintstone and Barnier Rubble are two classic characters from the 1960’s cartoon known round the world. These costume are easy to put together yourself if you’re handy with sewing machine, or you can buy them by clicking the links below:
Costumes & Accessories

10. Harry & Lloyd (Dumb & Dumber)
“Nice Hooters…the owls, they’re beautiful!” What’s not to love about Harry & Lloyd. They are so good-hearted, so well-meaning, they just can’t get out of their own way. You will certainly be the stars of the party if you show up wearing these killer outfits. “So you’re saying there’s a chance…”
Costumes & Accessories

11. Mario & Luigi
“Dooh dooh dooh, dooh dooh dooh dooh” (Mario Bros. Song). This has to be one of the most well known video games of all time. These two uber recognizable Italian plumbers are fun to play as a video game, and even more fun to impersonate in duo Halloween costumes. Throw on these duds and get ready for some turtle stomping and princess saving excitement!
Costumes & Accessories
Costumes & Accessories

12. Sherlock Holmes & Watson
“ When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?” This is one of the most recognizable duo Halloween costumes ever. Are you prepared to solve some mysteries with your best friend? Ready to go British this Halloween? Then this duo Halloween costume is the one for you!
Costumes & Accessories

13. Buzz Lightyear & Woody (Toy Story)
Toy Story became a Pixar classic the moment it was released. A bit part of the success is attributable to the great back and forth between the two main characters, Buzz Lightyear and Woody. Woody helps to bring Buzz down to earth and realize that he isn’t really all that and a bag of chips, and actually is just a toy. This is a great duo costume for two friends where one is slightly more “confident in himself” than the other.
Costumes & Accessories

14. Thelma & Louise
This is definitely one of the best costumes for two ladies that are best friends. If you ever feel like you’ve had a bit too much of ordinary life and are ready to shove it and head out on the road with your bestie, then this might be the right fit for you.
Costumes & Accessories

15. Arya Stark & The Hound
What an unlikely and unexpected pair that these two made. A sort of friendship of necessity, though these two could never fully open up to the other, they always seemed to have the back of one another. If you are skilled at cosplay, you may be able to put this one together on your own, but we dug up a few good options to buy to make it easy on you:
Costumes & Accessories

15. Mulder & Scully (X-Files)
What’s better than a show about unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomenon? How about one where the two main characters are extremely attractive and intriguing? Do you have it takes to step into the shoes of this gorgeous duo? In case you hadn’t guessed this makes a great duo halloween costume / couple’s costume!

16. Bonnie & Clyde (as duo Halloween costumes!)
Bonnie and Clyde…the young couple that went on a multi-state bank robbing spree and became a national phenomenon while doing it! This is another great couples costume and good for those looking to pull off the historic/gangster look.
Costumes & Accessories

17. Doc & Marty (Back to the Future)
“Great Scott!” This classic 80’s movie was a cultural icon and had cutting edge special effects for the time. One of the things that mad the movie as great as it was were the two main characters, Doc & Marty, which happen to be one of our favorite duo halloween costumes. Check the links below for the costume elements:
Costumes & Accessories

18. Daenerys Targaryan & Jon Snow
This might be the most badass duo/couple of modern television. What’s not to like about a tougher than nails sword wielding warrior and a petite and beautiful yet crafty and unyielding dragon princess?! These Game of Thrones costumes are high in demand because the characters are so highly revered! If you have what it takes to pull off the backbone of this iconic duo, you may want to check the links below for some great costume options that we dug up.
Costumes & Accessories

19. The Blues Brothers
How cool are these guys! The sideburns…the shades, the hats. It takes a unique pair to be able to pull off this look. Luckily, you just need a black suit and tie with a white shirt. Find a link to the sunglasses and fedora below:
Costumes & Accessories

20. Cheech & Chong – Duo Halloween Costumes
“Do you know who this is?” “No, who is this is?” Cheech and Chong was a cult classic that came out in 1978 and helped define the generation that followed. These two pot smoking 1970’s Latin versions of Jay and Silent Bob were all the rage and definitely had distinct looks. You will need wigs, the facial hair, tank tops and flowery shirts for this costume.
Costumes & Accessories