In this article, we cover the highly popular topic of how to do easy Scarecrow Makeup for Halloween. Like so many other types of costumes and makeup, there are some approaches that are easier than others. We will focus on the quickest, easiest and most effective approach to quickly transforming you into a Scarecrow. Also, we will cover how to make the result look like cute scarecrow makeup or scary scarecrow makeup.

Scarecrow Makeup – The Basics
When it comes down to it, the defining characteristics of a Scarecrow are its rosy cheeks, button or triangular nose, and stitched mouth. The easiest way to pull this off is by starting with a base of tan face paint or foundation. From there you will want to add some red or rouge to the cheeks. This can either be blended or defined red circles with black outlines for a more “cartoony” look. To create a scarecrow mouth, draw black lines starting at each corner of your mouth and continue out toward your cheeks. Then, along those lines, draw little x’s to mimic stitching. For your nose, you will want to add either red, orange or brown, and apply in a rounded triangular fashion.
Cute Scarecrow Makeup
Sometimes you want to completely change your look for Halloween but still be cute! To pull this off, you will to focus a bit more on your eye shadow and eyeliner, and soften up the foundation and blush on your cheeks. Also, we like the effect of going all black with the lipstick and shortening/ straightening out the extended smile lines. The video above covers a slightly more advanced, but very cute scarecrow makeup. Thanks to Tracie Lynn for allowing us to share her content. You can find more ideas from Tracie Lynn by clicking here.
Scary Scarecrow Makeup

As with just about any other costume, to make it scary, the most important aspect is the eyes! For scary scarecrow makeup, there is no exception. In fact, you will want to really emphasize this aspect of the makeup to pull it off properly. You will want to add black, purple or blue makeup around your eyes, the same way you would if you were doing skeleton makeup. You may want to skip the rosy cheeks and instead add some slight shading under you cheekbones to make them appear more shallow. The nose application could also be black, or a darker brown instead of orange, again to suggest a skeleton-like quality. Then, instead of using straight lines off the corners of your mouth, try twisting them up slightly to create a devious smile. There are no defined rules, so have fun with it!
Scarecrow Costume – Homemade
Once you have your makeup completed, you will need a costume to go with it! The good news is that a homemade scarecrow costume is very easy to put together. Basically, all you will need is a good pair of overalls (or jeans), a plaid shirt, and a straw hat. If you want to add a finishing touch, you can also buy some cheap straw from a local home goods store. Try stuffing a little straw under your hat, in your sleeve, or in between a few of the buttons on your shirt. The straw may be a bit scratchy, but it will sure add a nice effect.