Halloween 2020 – The Wicked Truth!

Halloween Jack O Lantern

What to expect for Halloween 2020!

We are extremely excited for another year of enjoying everything that is coming this Halloween 2020! We are expecting bigger and better haunts, new scarier, sexier and funnier costumes, new pumpkin carving ideas, and best of all, a new version of the classic movie, “Halloween”. Did we mention that Halloween will land on a Saturday this year and will have a full moon?!!

Halloween Kills

Halloween Kills

The latest chapter in the chilling legend of Michael Myers will be hitting theaters near you this October 16th, 2020. The movie may also have a few select earlier releases and exclusive screenings. The film was written by John Carpenter and directed by David Gordon Green. The original star Jamie Lee Curtis, has a leading role which has a large fan base very excited. For now, the production team is being careful to let any of the plot details slip. However, don’t worry, we will be sure to share anything that we stumble across. If this doesn’t set the scene for Halloween 2020, I don’t know what will!

Halloween Costumes

Halloween Costumes

Every year one of the most fun things about Halloween night is seeing all kinds of costumes on display. From the last minute thrown together ideas, to elite DIY costumes, to store bought varieties, there seem to be no boundaries. New 2020 movie releases such as Halloween Kills, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, or Wonderwoman 1984 are sure to be a source of inspiration. There are also sure to be new takes on classic costumes (Vampires, Zombies, Witches, Bumble Bee, Hippie, Cowboy, etc.) Sometimes some of the best costumes come in groups such as duo costumes or trio costumes. Of course, one of the highlights of any proper Halloween party is a costume contest. It is always fun to see entries in the various categories such as the scary costumes, funny costumes and sexy costumes.

Halloween Jack o lantern

Halloween Pumpkin Carving

Who doesn’t like carving a jack o lantern on Halloween? We plan to include some easy and cool pumpkin carving ideas leading up to the big night. We will come up with some good scary pumpkins as well as some funny pumpkin carving ideas so hopefully there will be something for everyone.

Halloween Haunt

Halloween 2020 Haunts

There is a lot of anticipation surrounding what 2020 has in store in terms of Halloween Haunts. Haunted houses, haunted trails, haunted hotels, corn mazes and other spooky attractions have been popping up across the nation and expanding and evolving year after year. There are Halloween fans who build their own haunted experiences in backyards, garages or driveways. On the other hand, there are also full scale amusement park-size attractions. We plan to do our best to cover where the best haunts are and what the newest and coolest ideas out there.