Halloween Day – The 5 Best Daytime Activities!


We are ecstatic that this year Halloween Day falls on a Saturday (October 31st of course!) and also happens to be a full moon this year (Halloween 2020). Although much of the excitement surrounding Halloween is focused on the dusk and evening activities, there is quite a bit of fun to be had on Halloween Day!

5. Halloween School Parades

What is more fun than dressing up however you want (within reason) and being able to go to school with your costume on?! How about lining up with all of your classmates and carrying out a massive Halloween procession through the school. This is common practice with many elementary schools and is a fun way to let kids show off their costumes but also see how their friends and classmates have dressed up. For parents, this is a great opportunity to watch the munchkins put on a show as they proudly show off their outfits.

4. Halloween Day Office Parties

We can’t stay young and in school forever. Lucky for grown ups, many companies host wear-your-costume-to-the-office days on Halloween. It’s always fun trying to take your colleagues seriously while sitting in a costumed meeting or trying to conduct business. “Batgirl, er, I mean Sally, can you please pass me those TPS reports?”

3. Halloween Cooking

In preparation for the big night, it can be helpful to get a head start on the cooking and food prep during the day. You will need to have a good batch of apple cider, some Halloween treats, roasted pumpkin seeds, and some hearty chili to keep warm on a cold autumn night. Check back soon for some great recipe ideas.

2. Pumpkin Carving

There are those of us who every year carve their pumpkins a few days or even a week before Halloween, but this can also be a great afternoon activity leading up to the first round of trick or treaters. Remember, once you cut into a pumpkin, it usually only lasts 3-5 days, depending on your climate, although there are a few tricks you can use to make your jack o lanterns last longer by clicking here. That’s another reason you may consider making your pumpkin carving a Halloween Day activity, so the pumpkin is nice and rigid, showing off that big grin the way you wanted. Click Here to see some great Pumpkin Carving Ideas that we have put together.

1. Halloween Home Decorations

Trick or Treating wouldn’t be the same without having your home transformed into a spooky haunted house. There are lots of cheap ideas that will quickly turn your house into the spookiest place on the block. You can do the transformation quite quickly, and it can be an easy Halloween Day activity. You can stretch fake spider web can easily over bushes and trees to create a scary effect. Cheap styrofoam tombstones will make a mini graveyard, and skeletons will finish the scene. We will soon be adding additional easy do it yourself ideas and links to find affordable products.