How to Cast a Spell for White Witches


Have you ever been curious about how to cast a spell? Spells are often misrepresented in modern media as being something dark and ominous, or akin to a midnight seance on Halloween. However, spell casting can be done in the name of good, and isn’t always overly complicated. The underlying principles for spell casting can be surprisingly simple. The base techniques to successfully cast a spell are described below and will have you channeling energies in no time.

White Witch

The goal of this discussion is to provide a information for a white witch, one who has only pure and benevolent intentions. We acknowledge that black magic can be used to do harm, but white magic can achieve great things. A white witch who is focused towards helping others and healing and can greatly impact wherever her energy is focused. Witchcraft has many layers, and many types of energies, and we concentrate on positive, healing energies.

Hex Spell

A Hex Spell is one that is focused on affecting other people, rather than the caster herself. Hexes are often associated with curses, as they so often are used to do harm. However, just as magic can be positive or negative, benevolent or evil, so too can a Hex Spell. It is recommended that this type of incantation be reserved for a high White Witch, as performed incorrectly, a Hex spell can results in dire consequences. Please begin by focusing on self benefiting spells.

1. Preparation: Grounding and Centering Yourself

When considering how to cast a spell, remember that it can involve summoning huge amounts of power and energy. You need to be prepared and ensure that your body is grounded with the Earth. Empty your mind and align your spirit so that you are prepared to evoke positive energy.

Your body and mind must be relaxed in preparing for your spell and this can be achieved through some basic exercises. It is vital that you connect with the Earth so that you are anchored in case you need to retrace your reality during a spell casting.

2. Circle Casting

Next, you must prepare a protective circle around you before you cast to keep you safe from external forces. This also helps to contain your magic so that it can be properly directed. Then, from the center of the circle, you will call upon the power of the four corners of the Earth and then the power of the five elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit).

3. Energy Focusing

The step involves setting your mind and body in alignment in focusing on your desired result. You must will the outcome to come about with all of your soul. The majority of the magic energies originate within you, and are amplified by your surrounding environment. By blocking everything else out and keeping your mind and spirit focused on your outcome, you can will it into being.

This desired result must be perfectly visualized in your mind. See the events playing out as you desire with all of the fine detail in every facet of your vision. The energy and magic that you project will be further amplified by your belief and absolute conviction in your spell.

5. How to Cast the Spell

Now you are aligned and grounded, and absolutely focused on your vision, and it is time to to carry out the actual spell. Spells involve simple rituals such as mixing oils and herbs in water, lighting candles, controlled and rhythmic physical movements and saying incantations.

The spell itself is the key, as it opens up the power inside of you and directs it towards your desired outcomes. It is also for this reason that it is vitally important that you have the right spell at hand, in order to maximize your power generation and effectiveness of the incantation.

6. The Aftermath

Once the spell is completed, be sure to keep your vision in your mind at all times in order to continue to feed the energy towards the outcome. Continue the visualization of your goal in your mind’s eye so that it will continue to resonate through you. With practice and focus, you will begin to achieve anything you choose and bring to yourself whatever you desire.

There are many forms of magic spells depending on the purposes. Spells can be used to increase health and vitality, love, wealth, sexuality etc. Click here to access a library of effective spells.