Happy Halloween – Top 9 Halloween List!


Don’t you love how all day long on October 31st everybody is constantly wishing each other, Happy Halloween? Everybody is happy on Halloween because there is so much to love about it. As if they weren’t already blatantly obvious, we decided to put together a list of the top 9 best things about Halloween!

9. Halloween Candy

You don’t have to be a kid to realize that Halloween candy is one of the reasons that Halloween is the best holiday of the year. Whether you are passing it out, or taking hand fulls as you fill your bag or bucket, you couldn’t have trick or treating without candy! For kids (and Dentists!) Halloween is a dream come true as there is access to seemingly endless supplies and varieties of all sorts of candy which makes for a sweet reward at the end of the night.

8. Halloween Music

No Halloween would be complete without the right spooky themed music. There are plenty of classics that come to mind to make up your song list such as the Monster Mash or the Ghostbuster’s soundtrack. There are also other songs that may not come to mind right away but that are immediately recognizable when they start playing. The important thing is that the music is playing, especially if you are hosting a Halloween Party! Come on, who doesn’t want to do a Michael Jackson zombie dance on Halloween? Click Here for a free Spotify ultimate Halloween song list.

7. Scary Movies

Everybody loves a good scare now and then, and everybody loves a good scary movie on Halloween! There is no better way to top off the evening than by dimming the lights and throwing in a classic like Halloween or Night of the Living Dead. There are also lots of modern horror movies that will frighten the life out of you and your friends. Let’s face it, a Halloween without a few screams just isn’t the same!

6. Jack O Lanterns

There is nothing that says Happy Halloween more than carving a Jack O Lantern. It is essentially the unofficial mascot of Halloween and recognizable all over the world. Jack O Lanterns originated as a druid tradition of carving faces into various vegetables and gourds to scare off evil spirits. Nowadays, carving Jack O Lanterns is a great activity for kids and adults alike, and is a great way to show off some Halloween creativity.

5. Halloween Haunts

“Timmy says that house at the end of the block is haunted…I dare you to go in…” Ever since the beginning of time we (as kids) have dared one another to face our fears and push ourselves into and through scary situations. We have always sought to overcome that which we feared most, which has led to a fascination with the macabre. Over time and with the evolution of our modern Halloween, this has also led to the development of professional Halloween Haunts. Haunted houses, haunted mazes and haunted trails have spread across the Unites States and have customers gladly paying for tickets. Grab the family, a date, or a group of friends, say your prayers and get in line at the scariest haunted house…we dare you!

4. Halloween Decorations

Why go far and wide to find a haunted house, when you can simply transform your own home? Halloween gives millions of Americans the excuse to head to the store, to buy some props, and to get seriously creative in converting their house to the spookiest one on the block. There is plenty of room for improvising and the only rule is that the decorations need to be dark and terrifying! Cobwebs, spiders, skeletons, gravestones, witches, mummies, zombies and rats are all welcome additions.

3. Trick Or Treating

How much fun is trick or treating?! As a kid, you get to dress up in an awesome costume, hang out with a group of your friends (or siblings), and knock on the door of every house in the neighborhood or as far as your legs will take you. Whoever takes home the biggest bounty of candy wins. In fact, everybody wins. Even the adults who have to make those runs back and forth to the door with the candy bucket get to see group after group of youngsters with their sometimes adorable, sometimes horrifying little costumes. Trick or treating is a big part of having a happy Halloween!

2. Halloween Parties

Okay, let’s be honest… we like to party. We all like to party! And how good is it when you can party in costume, while munching on candy, surrounded by Jack O Lanterns, watching a horror movie and listening to Halloween music?! It was a rhetorical question.

1. Costumes

Clearly the absolute best thing about Halloween is the costumes! Kids get to dress up as their favorite super heroes, dream occupations, or fairy tale princess. They get to show off their costumes to brothers and sisters, then at school, then while trick or treating. As adults the spectrum broadens even further as there are also sexy costumes, funny costumes, and duo or trio Halloween costumes. Halloween gives everyone one day out of the year when you are not only allowed but encouraged to make believe.