Sometimes you don’t want to dress up on your own, and a duo costume or couples costume isn’t quite enough. That is why we put together this list of the top 10 Trio Halloween Costumes to help inspire ideas for those who are handy and creative enough to make do it yourself 3 person costumes for Halloween 2020. Don’t worry, we included links to already-made costumes for the rest of us.

10. Snap, Crackle & Pop
Grab your best two friends and with some creative “wardrobing” you can likely pull this look off on your own (you might want to add labels or name tags).

9. Bed, Bath, & Beyond
The bed is easy enough, and so is the bath, but how do you make a beyond? Here is one way to put this 3 person costume together Click Here.

9. Rock, Scissors, Paper
This is an age old trio. Who doesn’t love a quick game of Rock, Scissors, Paper to decide who’s going to make the last minute run to the store. This costume could easily be put together with some cardboard and poster paint.

7. The 3 Little Pigs
This famous storybook tale makes for a great 3 person Halloween costume. The outfits can be mixed and matched if you have white shirts vests and tan trousers at home, or you can Click Here to check the price for this trio Halloween costume.

6. Three Blind Mice
Here is another nursery rhyme favorite. The do it yourself costume version involves sunglasses, canes, drawn on whiskers and noses and you can make mouse ears out of cardboard. Click Here to check the current price.

5. The 3 Amigos
Everyone dreams of being Lucky Day, Dusty Bottoms, Ned Nederlander for one day. Although this is one of the more iconic trio Halloween costumes, it might be a bit tougher to make on your own, unless you have a plethora of seamstresses from Santa Poco nearby. Click below to see the costume price.

4. The 3 Musketeers
All for one and one for all. United we stand, united we fall. One of the best trios and bars of chocolate ever made. Either get down to business with your stitching or you can check the costume price by clicking below.

3. Sex, Drugs, Rock & Roll
All things that Mom told us to avoid, but that we secretly sought out. Sorry, no link to buy, but Click Here to see an example of how it can be pulled off.

2. Lime, Salt & Tequila
In case you want to dress up like your favorite cinco de mayo “go to”, because these three ingredients are not the same without each other. Lime Costume Click Here, Salt Costume Click Here, Tequila costume Click Here .

1. Hocus Pocus
Ah, the quintessential, iconic trio Halloween costume. Get ready for a super perm, some buck teeth and some old Salem witch hunt era garb if you want to pull off the Sanderson sisters costume. You can save yourself some time and Click Here to buy the costume.